Tuesday, November 18, 2008

To my Parents..you both inspire me a lot..

I'll keep believing in the future..not caring if anyone laughs at me
The passion running within it's all from both of you..both of you makes you shine.
It's too dazzling, but I want to keep watching both of you
Somehow, sensing those aesthetics makes me really really stuck on both you
Chasing, chasing after the one in my dreams..
That is like no one else, With a feeling that burns like it's kindling the dawn..
I don't know yet what the consequences will be
Instead of these boring times, it's gotta be dramatic
Until we achieve that, but me...i'm believe in wonderland!

Under casual rules, we've avoided a mountain of problems
But because of your both pride, you both can't turn back down this road
On your both weak nights when troubles keep coming..
I will hold on both of you tight, I wanna wanna be with you two..

Holding on, we keep holding on..To a dream that no one else can see
Because I'm with you two, we have such hot feelings..
We don't really need consistency..Instead of a mundane routine,
Run towards paradise and believe there is glory day for us

Should i rely on everbody

Dulu memang aku tak suka rely pada org lain..even parents aku...sebab dari kecik aku memang akan puas dengan usaha sendiri...but then...pada 1 hari berlaku sumthing yg worse kt aku..then My Lovely Mom come to me dan terus tampar aku...apsal tah..tp dia telah menyedarkan aku tentang sumthing...sesuatu yg berharga..tanpa kata2 just penampar jepun ja yg hinggap di pipi aku...dan dia mengubah pendirian dalam hidup aku pada masa tuh..dlam hati aku tau yg hati dia berkata dari cara mata dia memandang aku

NIZAM....You don't have to suffer alone..
you don't have to carry the burden by yourself..
let your friends and family take some of your pain..
and the resolve that goes with it!!
pernahkah kau fikir tentang orang di sekeliling kau rasa?
while you tried to carry everything on your own..
Could you please share how you're really feeling with us?
we're family rite?
we're supposed to share how we feel inside...

Monday, November 17, 2008


Find me, Chase me, I'm always lonely. that thing i alway said that to myself
The feelings of that Sad Night, long ago...They melted into the twilight.My soul feels like it's fading away too...Like everybody I see is taking a piece of it...hate this time so much...

I've always believed someone will save me,But using my own legs, I'll just be myself.
By My Weakness, By My Sorrow,I'll find the courage within me.
From here on out, By My WeaknessI'll hold that shining future in my hands..Good Day...All by my own Self...I need you here, somebody who will save me..I've searched and searched for you.
Every night when I didn't stand still,Before sunrise I embraced the sky.I'll never forget the songs..That you sang and gave to me..I can get stronger. I'll just by myself.

Monday, November 3, 2008

2 happy weeked.......

Hahahah maaf yek lama tak post citer. By the way minggu nih aku dapat lepak dengan member aku yang besh! wahahah...tah dh lama tak rase mcm nih...rase macam blajar kt universiti dulu...by the way thanks to them..for making my day...rase bebas

Pada Hari Kejadian
Ari tu time aku lepak2 kt opis tetiba Achik call aku..tanya aku esok ari aku wat ape..sbb ari Sabtu..aku berholiday...n sbb slalunya aku lepak ngan beliau...then dia ajak aku gi kenduri umah abang Aril...hurm lama gak aku tak dgr citer pasal Abg Aril nih..dia nih brader 1 batch masa kt uitm dulu...tp dia la yg paling tua dlm batch kitaorg...sbb dlm batch kitaorang semua umo sama..hurm then aku call ajak si Ajimbo...then Opie pun msg tanya aku pi ke dak...hurm tah aku konpius lagi sbb aku dh janji ngan Ajim nk tolong dia antar moto adik dia...Ajim nih byk gak tolong aku...so takpa la aku tolong jer la Ajim...sbb Ajim kata dia tak mau pi sbb nk wat perkara kt atas...then malam tuh aku berkemas...mybe klu aku ubah fikiran tetiba aku nk ikut Achik gi kenduri ker...sbb yg konfom gi Achik ngan Opi jer...then.takpa la..sbb aku nih jenis yg tak kisah and wat jer apa yg aku nk wat...tp aku slalu prepare sbb mana la tau aku berubah fikiran...sbb ye la aku tak tau apa yg akan terjadi hari esok...then malam tuh aku gerak ar gi umah Ajim...smpi umah dia..kami gi mkn...then tetiba aku sedaq yg si Opie nih ader kt umah..sbb Opie nih housemate Ajim..owh jd..klu nk gi kenduri..Achik akan dtg umah Ajim dulu ler..so okay la..yg aku nih ingat si Opie tuh tidoq umah Achik ..hahah then pagi tuh aku ngan Ajim bangun awal sbb nk hantaq moto adik dia kt KTM...yg terdekat iaitu kt Sungai Buluh...yg setau aku kt situ komuter ada la..hahh bantai jer...then gi la tanya kt stesen tuh...dia ckp klu nk hantar barang kt KL.so aku ngan Ajim nih dpt maklumat yg salah ler..then brader tuh ckp ari Sabtu diorang tutup..so tak yah ler aku nk gi KL nk hantaq moto...so time balik umah Ajim nih..memasing dh mati kutu..org yg nk pi kenduri pun tak bangun lagi (Opi)..then call Achik..dia pun sama..hahha then aku pujuk Ajim... n dia pun Bersetuju nk ikut..wah merioh betoi...

Kenduri Abang Aril
then lepas kami semua dh berkumpul..and dh bersiap sedia nk gi..satu kejadian wow! telah berlaku..ropa-ropanya Achik telah membeli kereta baru..jadi kami akan bergerak ngan keta baru ler ke umah abang Aril..masa atas highway baru memasing sedaq yg kad kenduri tertinggal..adus semua lak tak tau jalan...mampos...tp takpa gamble je la..then sesat smpi 2 jam...dah letih cari kami singgah ler kt kedai goreng pisang..borong ler goreng pisang makcik tuh sambil bertanya jalan...memasing dh lapo sangat...sbb petanda yg kami cari adalah masjid yg berwarna kuning dan sekolah apa tah dia punya nama tak ingat...then lepas dari kedai makcik tuh..memasing tgh mencekik goreng pisang...tetiba nampak masjid kuning n skolah yg dicari..ropanya dh dekat..tp memasing dh kenyang...hahah ingtkan jauh lagi...smpi ke umah kenduri...wat2 ler lapor.haha..

Abang Aril and Wife...wat outdoor photography
makan punya mkn tetiba kami...tersentap dgn kecantikan adik pengantin perempuan..pengantin pompuan pun budak batch kami gak..1 klas ngan abang Aril...hahha cun siot...bak dlam lirik lagu kumpulan 'Bowling for Soup'...And when she walks all the wind blows and the angels sing
but she doesn't notice me...hahah tp aku, AchiK, Ajim and Opi terpesona dgn kecantikan Beliau..hahha tp Opi dh kena reject sbb dia dh ader awek.hahahah..then dh selesai kenduri kami semua gerak ke Teluk Intan di mana terletaknya menara condong..sampai kt sana tibalah giliran si Opie utk menjadi fotografer outdoor abg Aril.hahah
besh gak ler..enjoy...nasib abg Aril n wife dia cool..n selamber..hahah abis photoshoot kami ke kfc berdekatan...utk hilangkan lapor...hhahah abis mkn kami gerak balik...sesat gak ler tah kemana..tp mcm biasa la si Opi tuh..wat2 pandai mcm tau jalan..tp blur gak..at last ader gak org yg tolong sbb dia pun nk ke KL..to be kontinue